Command Factor Expression
- A fraction: the numerator of the fraction is a product that consists of 2 factors; the 1st factor of the product is a rational expression: the top of the rational expression is a product that comprises 2 factors; the 1st factor of the product is equal to a fraction: the top of the fraction is a sum that comprises 3 terms; the 1st term of the sum is equal to a product containing 2 factors; the 1st factor of the product is equal to twelve; the 2nd factor of the product is a power; the base is k; the exponent is two; the 2nd term of the sum is a negative product comprising 2 factors; the 1st factor of the product is equal to five; the 2nd factor of the product is k; the 3rd term of the sum is negative three; the bottom of the fraction is a sum consisting of 2 terms; the 1st term of the sum is a power; the base is k; the exponent is two; the 2nd term of the sum is equal to a product that consists of 2 factors; the 1st factor of the product is equal to six; the 2nd factor of the product is k; the 2nd factor of the product is equal to a sum comprising 2 terms; the 1st term of the sum is a product that contains 2 factors; the 1st factor of the product is equal to four; the 2nd factor of the product is equal to k; the 2nd term of the sum is negative three; the bottom of the rational expression is a sum that comprises 3 terms; the 1st term of the sum is a power; the base is k; the exponent is three; the 2nd term of the sum is equal to a product that contains 2 factors; the 1st factor of the product is equal to two; the 2nd factor of the product is equal to a power; the base is k; the exponent is two; the 3rd term of the sum is equal to negative twenty four; the 2nd factor of the product is equal to a sum comprising 3 terms; the 1st term of the sum is equal to a power; the base is k; the exponent is two; the 2nd term of the sum is a negative product containing 2 factors; the 1st factor of the product is equal to nine; the 2nd factor of the product is equal to k; the 3rd term of the sum is fourteen; the denominator of the fraction is a sum consisting of 3 terms; the 1st term of the sum is equal to a product consisting of 2 factors; the 1st factor of the product is three; the 2nd factor of the product is a power; the base is k; the exponent is two; the 2nd term of the sum is equal to a negative product consisting of 2 factors; the 1st factor of the product is equal to five; the 2nd factor of the product is k; the 3rd term of the sum is equal to negative two;
- twelve multiplied by k raised to the power two plus negative five times k plus negative three divided by k to the power of two plus six multiplied by k times open parenthesis four multiplied by k plus negative three close parenthesis divided by k raised to the power three plus two times k raised to the power of two plus negative twenty four times open parenthesis k to the power two plus negative nine multiplied by k plus fourteen close parenthesis over three times k raised to the power two plus negative five multiplied by k plus negative two.
- A quotient: dividend of the quotient is a product comprising 2 factors; the 1st factor of the product is equal to a sum of 2 terms; the 1st term of the sum is equal to k; the 2nd term of the sum is negative seven; the 2nd factor of the product is equal to a power; the base is a sum consisting of 2 terms; the 1st term of the sum is equal to a product containing 2 factors; the 1st factor of the product is equal to four; the 2nd factor of the product is equal to k; the 2nd term of the sum is negative three; the exponent is two; divisor of the quotient is a product of 3 factors; the 1st factor of the product is k; the 2nd factor of the product is equal to a sum that consists of 2 terms; the 1st term of the sum is equal to k; the 2nd term of the sum is equal to six; the 3rd factor of the product is equal to a sum comprising 3 terms; the 1st term of the sum is a power; the base is k; the exponent is three; the 2nd term of the sum is a product comprising 2 factors; the 1st factor of the product is two; the 2nd factor of the product is equal to a power; the base is k; the exponent is two; the 3rd term of the sum is negative twenty four;
- opening parenthesis k plus negative seven closing parenthesis multiplied by open bracket four times k plus negative three close bracket to the power of two over k times left brace k plus six right brace multiplied by opening brace k to the power of three plus two times k raised to the power two plus negative twenty four closing brace.