Command Solve Equation 
- an equation LHS is a sum of 3 terms. The first term of the sum is equal to a product that consists of 2 factors. The first factor of the product is four. The second factor of the product is a power. The base is x. The exponent is two. The second term of the sum is equal to a negative product that contains 2 factors. The first factor of the product is three. The second factor of the product is equal to x. The third term of the sum is equal to six Right side of the equation is equal to zero.
- four multiplied by x raised to the power of two plus negative three multiplied by x plus six is equal to zero;
VariableResultExact Solution 1 ( complex )  
- an equation LHS is equal to x Right side of the equation is equal to a fraction: the top of the fraction is a negative sum consisting of 2 terms; the first term of the sum is equal to a product containing 2 factors; the first factor of the product is equal to square root of eighty seven; the second factor of the product is i; the second term of the sum is equal to negative three; the bottom of the fraction is eight;
- x is equal to negative opening bracket square root of eighty seven multiplied by i plus negative three closing bracket fraction line eight.
Solution 2 ( complex )  
- an equation Left side of the equation is equal to x RHS is equal to a rational expression: the top of the rational expression is a sum that comprises 2 terms. The first term of the sum is equal to a product that comprises 2 factors. The first factor of the product is square root of eighty seven. The second factor of the product is equal to i. The second term of the sum is equal to three. The bottom of the rational expression is eight.
- x is equal to square root of eighty seven multiplied by i plus three fraction line eight;
Solution 1 ( complex )  
- an equation Left side of the equation is equal to x Right side of the equation is a sum that consists of 2 terms. The first term of the sum is equal to zero point three tenth, seven hundredth and five ten hundredth. The second term of the sum is equal to a negative product of 2 factors. The first factor of the product is one point one six five nine two. The second factor of the product is i.
- x is zero point three seven five plus negative one point one six five nine two multiplied by i;
Solution 2 ( complex )  
- an equation LHS is x RHS is equal to a sum consisting of 2 terms; the first term of the sum is equal to a product of 2 factors; the first factor of the product is equal to one point one tenth, six hundredth, five ten hundredth, nine thousandth and two ten thousandth; the second factor of the product is equal to i; the second term of the sum is equal to zero point three tenth, seven hundredth and five ten hundredth;
- x is equal to one point one tenth, six hundredth, five ten hundredth, nine thousandth and two ten thousandth multiplied by i plus zero point three seven five.