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Created on: 2012-01-14

A sample problem solved by Quickmath online algebra calculator



(-2)^(x-2)+8 > 0

  1. an inequality in which left side of inequality larger than right side of inequality; the left side of the inequality is equal to a sum comprising 2 terms; the 1st term of the sum is equal to a power; the base is negative two; the exponent is a sum that consists of 2 terms; the 1st term of the sum is equal to x; the 2nd term of the sum is negative two; the 2nd term of the sum is eight; the right side of the inequality is equal to zero;
  2. opening bracket negative two closing bracket exponentiated by x plus negative two plus eight larger than zero;
A nonpolynomial inequality has been used, so the solution set may be incorrect.


<<(-2)^x+32 > 0>>

  1. an inequality in which left side of inequality greater than right side of inequality; the left side of the inequality is equal to a sum of 2 terms; the 1st term of the sum is equal to a power; the base is negative two; the exponent is x; the 2nd term of the sum is equal to thirty two; the right side of the inequality is equal to zero;
  2. left bracket open brace negative two close brace raised to the power x plus thirty two larger than zero right bracket.