Command Solve Inequality 
- an inequality in which left side of inequality greater than right side of inequality. The left side of the inequality is a sum that consists of 4 terms. The 1st term of the sum is equal to a power. The base is x. The exponent is three. The 2nd term of the sum is equal to a negative product consisting of 2 factors. The 1st factor of the product is sixteen. The 2nd factor of the product is equal to a power. The base is x. The exponent is two. The 3rd term of the sum is a product that contains 2 factors. The 1st factor of the product is negative thirty two. The 2nd factor of the product is equal to x. The 4th term of the sum is equal to negative one hundred twenty eight. The right side of the inequality is equal to zero.
- x to the power three plus negative sixteen multiplied by x raised to the power two plus left parenthesis negative thirty two right parenthesis multiplied by x plus negative one hundred twenty eight larger than zero;
- an inequality in which left side of inequality greater than right side of inequality. The left side of the inequality is equal to x. The right side of the inequality is eighteen point one tenth, five hundredth, one ten hundredth and four thousandth.
- open bracket open brace x greater than eighteen point one tenth, five hundredth, one ten hundredth and four thousandth close brace close bracket;

- an inequality in which left side of inequality greater than right side of inequality. The left side of the inequality is x. The right side of the inequality is eighteen point one five one four.
- open parenthesis opening parenthesis x larger than eighteen point one tenth, five hundredth, one ten hundredth and four thousandth closing parenthesis close parenthesis;
- an inequality in which left side of inequality greater than right side of inequality. The left side of the inequality is equal to x. The right side of the inequality is eighteen point one tenth, five hundredth, one ten hundredth and four thousandth.
- open bracket open brace x greater than eighteen point one tenth, five hundredth, one ten hundredth and four thousandth close brace close bracket;

- an inequality in which left side of inequality greater than right side of inequality. The left side of the inequality is x. The right side of the inequality is eighteen point one five one four.
- open parenthesis opening parenthesis x larger than eighteen point one tenth, five hundredth, one ten hundredth and four thousandth closing parenthesis close parenthesis;