Visually impaired math text interpretations:
- A fraction: the numerator of the fraction is a sum that contains 3 terms; the 1st term of the sum is a power; the base is x; the exponent is two; the 2nd term of the sum is a product comprising 2 factors; the 1st factor of the product is equal to three; the 2nd factor of the product is x; the 3rd term of the sum is equal to five; the denominator of the fraction is a product consisting of 2 factors; the 1st factor of the product is x; the 2nd factor of the product is equal to a sum consisting of 2 terms; the 1st term of the sum is equal to x; the 2nd term of the sum is equal to one;
- open brace x exponentiated by two plus three times x plus five close brace fraction line open bracket x times open square brace x plus one close curly brace close bracket;