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Multiplication of Polynomials

Multiplication of Polynomials

   Definition and Notation

The product of two natural numbers, 3 and 4, is defined by

          3 x 4 = 4 + 4 + 4 three terms of 4
Similarly   5a = 5 * a = a + a + a + a + a five terms of a
          4ab = ab + ab + ab + ab four terms of ab
          ab=a x b = b + b +....+ b a terms of b

The following are some of the laws from multiplication of real numbers

1. The commutative law of multiplication: ab = ba

2. The associative law of multiplication: a(bc) = (ab)c

3. The distributive law of multiplication: a(b + c) = (b + c)a

=ab + ac

4. Multiplication of signed numbers:

            +a)(+b) = +ab; (+a)(-b) = -ab

            (-a)(+b) = -ab; (-a)(-b) = +ab

When we have 2 * 2 * 2 * 2. that is, four factors of 2, the notation 2^4 is used, which reads. “two to the power four," or “two to the fourth power."

Similarly, a * a * a * a * a = a^5 means five factors of a. The a is called the base, and the 5 is called the exponent. When there is no exponent, as in x, we always mean x to the power 1.


                  Notation of Polynomial

Note the difference between

          (-2^4) = (-2)(-2)(-2)(-2) = +16

and -2^4 = -(2^4) = -(2 * 2 *2 *2) = -16

Note also 2a^3 = 2(a*a*a)

While (2a)^3 = (2a)(2a)(2a)


=2^3a^3 = 8a^3

Remark a , a^2 , a^3,.... are not like terms.

EXAMPLES 1. 7a*a*a*a = 7a^4

2. -(-3)(-3)(-3)(-3) = -(-3)^4

3. (x - 1)^3 = (x - 1)(x -1)(x - 1)

4. -2^2*3^3 = -(2*2)*(3*3*3) = -4*27 = -108

5. 2^2 + 2^3 = 2*2 + 2*2*2 = 4 + 8 = 12

6. 2^3 - 2 = 2*2*2 -2=8 - 2 = 6


Multiplication of Monomials    

We will discuss the multiplication of monomials, then the multiplication of a monomial and a polynomial, and finally the multiplication of two polynomials.

From the definition of exponents we have

    a^3*a^5 = (a*a*a)(a*a*a*a*a)





  Multiplication of Monomial Theorem 1


     Explaination for Theorem 1 Multiplication of Monomial

EXAMPLES 1. 2^3 * 2^5 = 2^(3+5) = 2^8

2. a^2 * a^4 = a^(2+4) = a^6

3. -2^4 * 2^3 = -2^(4+3) = -2^7

4. -3x^3*x^2 = -3x^(3+2) = -3x^5

5. x^5*x = x^(5+1) = x^6

6. (a + 1)^2*(a + 1)^3 = (a + 1)^(2+3) = (a + 1)^5


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Remark 2^3*2^7 = 2^(3+7) = 2^10 , and not 4^10

Remark 2^4*3^5 = 2^4*3^5 , to find the product, multiply 2^4 =16 by 3^5 =243 ; that is 2^4*3^5 = (16)(243) = 3888

Since the commutative and associative laws for multiplication hold for numbers, specific or general. we have


EXAMPLES 1. (2ab^2)(3a^4bc^2)= (2*3)(a^1*a^4)(b^2*b^1)(c^2)

= 6a^5b^3c^2

2. -3b^2c^3)(8ab^3c) = (-3*8)(b^2*b^3)(c^3*c)(a)


3. -3^2xy^2)(-5x^2y^3) = (-9xy^2)(-5x^2y^3)



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From the definition of exponents we have

        (a^2)^3 = (a^2)(a^2)(a^2)




  =a^(3*2) = a^(2*3)




      Multiplication of Monomial Theorem 2


      Explaination for Theorem 2 Multiplication of Monomial

EXAMPLES 1. (3^2)^4 = 3^(2*4) = 3^8

2. (a^3)^5 = a^(3*5) = a^15

3. (-3^2)^3 = -3^(2*3) = -3^6

4. (-a^3)^2 = a^(3*2) = a^6


Note 2^3*2^4 = 2^(3+4)=2^7, While (2^3)^4 = 2^(3*4)=2^12

From the definition of exponents we have

  6^4 = (2*3)^4 = (2*3)(2*3)(2*3)(2*3)

  = (2*2*2*2)(3*3*3*3)



   Multiplication of Monomial Theorem 3


    Explaination for Theorem 3 Multiplication of Monomial

  Note a and b are factors. If a=3, b=x, and m=5,(3x)^5=3^5x^5

Do not forget to raise the number 3 to the power 5

Applying Theorem 3 repeatedly, we obtain




    Remark 21^2 = (3*7)^2 = 3^2*7^2 = 9 x49 = 441

    Remark The quantity Condition to simplify the multiplication theorem problem

          (5 + 3)^2 = (8)^2 = 64, but 5^2 + 3^2 = 25 + 9 = 34

If we consider (a + b) as one quantity, then

          (a +b)^5 = (a +b)(a + b)(a + b)(a + b)(a + b)

The method of calculating the product will be explained later

COROLLARY Applying theorems with conditions

          (a^m)(b^n)^k = [(a^m)(b^n)]^k



EXAMPLE Perform the following multiplication: (2x^2yz^3)(-4x^3y^2)

Solution (2x^2yz^3)(-4x^3y^2) = (2)(-4)(x^2*x^3)(y*y^2)(z^3)

= -8x^5y^3z^3


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EXAMPLE Perform the following multiplication: (5a^2b)^3

Solution (5a^2b)^3 = (5)^3(a^2)^3(b)^3 = 5^3a^6b^3 = 125a^6b^3


EXAMPLE Perform the following multiplication: -2^2a^3(ab^3)^2

Solution -2^2a^3(ab^3)^2 = -4a^3(a^2b^6) = -4(a^3*a^2)(b^6) = -4a^5b^6


EXAMPLES Perform the following multiplication: (3x^2y)^2(2xy^3)^3

Solution (3x^2y)^2(2xy^3)^3 = (3^2x^4y^2)(2^3x^3y^9) = (3^2*2^3)(x^4*x^3)(y^2*y^9)

=(9*8)x^7y^11 = 72x^7y^11

Remark Perform the outside exponents first


EXAMPLE Perform the following multiplication:


Solution (-2ab^2)^2(-3a^2b)^3(-bc^2)^4 = (-2)^2a^2b^2*(-3)^3a^6b^3*(-1)^4b^4c^8





EXAMPLE Perform the indicated operations and simplify:

       (2ab)^4(-a^3b)^2 - (-3a^2)^3(a^2b^3)^2

Solution (2ab)^4(-a^3b)^2 - (-3a^2)^3(a^2b^3)^2 = (16a^4b^4)(a^6b^2) - (-27a^6)(a^4b^6)

=16a^10b^6 + 27a^10b^6



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Note: To evaluate expressions involving exponents. first replace each letter by its indicated specific value. Use grouping symbols where necessary so as not to confuse operation signs with number signs.


Evaluate -a^2b^3, give that a = -3 and b = 2

Solution -a^2b^3 = -(-3)^2(2)^3 = -(9)(8) = -72


EXAMPLE Evaluate the expression b^2 - a^2(c^3 - b^3), give that a = -2 , b = 3, and c = -1

Solution b^2 -a^2(c^3 - b^3) = (3)^2 - (-2)^2[((-1)^3 - (3)^3

=9 - (+4)[(-1) - (27)

=9 - 4(-1 -27)

=9 - 4(-28)

=9 + 112 = 121

Multiplication of a Polynomial by a Monomial    

Use of subscript

How to read subscript

The extended distributive law of multiplication

  extended distributive law of multiplication

is used to multiply a monomial by a polynomial

EXAMPLE Multiply 3x^2 + x - 2 by x

Solution x(3x^2 + x - 2) = x(3x^2) + x(x) + x(-2)

=3x^2 + x^2 - 2x

EXAMPLE Multiply x^2 - x + 4 by -2x^2

Solution (-2x^2)(x^2 - x + 4) = (-2x^2)(x^2) + (-2x^2)(-x) + (-2x^2)(4)

=-2x^4 + 2x^3 - 8x^2


EXAMPLE Multiply a^2b - 2b^2c + 5c^2a by 3a^2b

Solution 3a^2b(a^2b - 2b^2c + 5c^2a)

=3a^2b(a^2b) + 3a^2b(-2b^2c) + 3a^2b(5c^2a)

=3a^4b^2 - 6a^2b^3c + 15a^3bc^2

EXAMPLE Multiply (3x - 2)/4 - (2x - 1)/6 by 12

Solution 12/1[(3x - 2)/4 - (2x - 1)/6 = 12/1[(3x - 2)/4 - 12/1[(2x - 1)/6

=3(3x - 2) - 2(2x - 1)

=9x - 6 - 4x + 2

=5x - 4


Multiplication of Polynomials

Multiplication of two polynomials is the same as multiplication of a monomial and a polynomial where the first polynomial is considered as one quantity.

To multiply (x + 2) by (x - 3), consider (x + 2) as one quantity and apply the distributive law:

    multiplication of polynomials - distributive law

Then reapply the distributive law

=x^2 + 2x - 3x - 6

=x^2 - x - 6

Notice that each term of the second polynomial has been multiplied by each term of the first polynomial.

The same result can be obtained by arranging the polynomials in two rows and multiplying the upper polynomial by each term of the lower polynomial. Arrange like terms of the product in the same column so that addition is easier.+

      rearrange problem for multiplication of polynomial

applicable condition for distributive law problem


EXAMPLE Multiply (3x - 4)^2

Solution (3x - 4)^2 = (3x - 4)(3x - 4)

        rearrange polynomal expression for simplification

Condition for Polynomial problem Solution

Notes 1. (a + b)^2 = a^2 + 2ab + b^2

2. (a - b)^2 = a^2 - 2ab + b^2

3. (a + b)(a - b) = a^2 - b^2

EXAMPLE Multiply (x^2 - 2x +1) by (2x - 3)


      Another way of writing the polynomial multification expression

Therefore (x^2 - 2x + 1)(2x - 3) = 2x^3 - 7x^2 + 8x - 3

EXAMPLE Perform the indicated operations and simplify

   (2x - 3)(x + 4) - (x + 2)(x - 6)

Solution (2x - 3)(x + 4) - (x + 2)(x - 6)

=(2x^2 -+5x -12) - (x^2 - 4x - 12)

=2x^2 + 5x - 12 - x^2 + 4x + 12

=x^2 + 9x


Grouping Symbols

Grouping symbols, such as parentheses ( ), braces { }, and brackets [ ], are used to designate, in a simple manner, more than one operation.

When we write the binomial 3a + 5b as (3a + 5b), we are considering the sum of 3a and 5b as one quantity. The expression a - (b + c) means the sum of b and c is to be subtracted from a.

The statement, three times x minus four times the sum of y and z, can be written in algebraic notation as

3x - 4 (y + z)

Removal of the grouping symbols means performing the operations that these symbols indicate. Remove the symbols one at a time, starting with the innermost, following the proper order of operations to be performed.

EXAMPLE Remove the grouping symbols and combine like terms

        2x - (5x - 2y) + (x - 6y)

Solution 2x - (5x - 2y) + (x - 6y) = 2x - 5x + 2y + x -6y

  =(2x - 5x + x) + (2y - 6y)

  =-2x - 4y


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EXAMPLE Remove the grouping symbols and combine like terms

        7a + 2[2b - 3(3a - 5b)

Solution 7a + 2[2b - 3(3a - 5b) = 7a + 2[2b - 9a +15b

  =7a + 4b -18a +30b

  =34b -11a


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EXAMPLE Remove the grouping symbols and combine like terms

        6a - {2b + [3 - (a + b) + (5a - 2)}

Solution 6a - {2b + [3 - (a + b) + (5a - 2)}

=6a - {2b + [3 - a - b + 5a -2]}

=6a - {2b + 3 - a -b +5a -2}

=6a - 2b -3 +a +b -5a +2

=(6a + a - 5a) + (-2b + b) + (-3 +2)

=2a - b -1

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It is sometimes necessary to group some of the terms of an expression. This can be accomplished by use of a set of parentheses.

When the grouping symbol is preceded by a plus sign. we keep the signs of the terms the same when it is preceded by a minus sign, we use the additive inverses (negatives) of the terms.


EXAMPLE Group the last three terms of the polynomial 3a -  5b + c -  2 with a grouping symbol in two ways, one preceded by a plus sign, the second preceded by a minus sign.


              How to use grouping symbols while using parentheses